Producer Responsibility Organisations from Norway, Sweden, Belgium and the Netherlands gather regularly to discuss, inform each other and exchange knowledge, ideas and best practices regarding design for recycling. The ultimate goal of this is to make more packaging in these countries good recyclable.
Grønt Punkt is the executive organisation for the extended producer responsibility in Norway. With the environmental contribution paid by their members, Grønt Punkt ensures that packaging is recycled according to government requirements.
With its nationwide collection scheme, FTI collects packaging waste so it can be recycled into new raw materials.
KIDV is an NGO that advises and inspires companies in the field of sustainable packaging in The Netherlands. KIDV offers factual knowledge and practical tools, based on scientific research and trends within the packaging chain.
Fost Plus implements Belgium’s extended producer responsibility in the field of household packaging. With public and private partners, Fost Plus works on a circular economy, from collection among the general public to sustainable recycling in Belgium.