Design for Recycling

Recyclable packaging for Belgium and The Netherlands

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Fost Plus (Belgium) and The Netherlands Institute for Sustainable Packaging (KIDV) are working together to help companies improve the sustainability of their packaging. In this way, companies are informed about the choices they can make to realise sustainable packaging for both markets.

The following objectives are being developed:

  • Tailor made advice: one-on-one advice to companies on how to improve the recyclability of their packaging for the Dutch and Belgian market
  • General dissemination of information: sharing general information about the Belgian and Dutch packaging landscape, e.g. similarities and differences.
  • Common tools and factsheets: generating common tools, such as factsheets on relevant topics and a BE-NL Recycle Check that companies can use to determine the recyclability of packaging.



KIDV is an NGO that advises and inspires companies in the field of sustainable packaging in The Netherlands. KIDV offers factual knowledge and practical tools, based on scientific research and trends within the packaging chain.


Fost Plus implements Belgium’s extended producer responsibility in the field of household packaging. With public and private partners, Fost Plus works on a circular economy, from collection among the general public to sustainable recycling in Belgium.

Knowledge base

Papierfabriek Heelsum

Belgium and the Netherlands: a comparison of design-for-recycling guidelines for paper and cardboard packaging

The design-for-recycling guidelines in the Netherlands and Belgium are very similar, according to an overview of differences and similarities between the Netherlands and Belgium presented by Annemarie Abbeel (Fost Plus).

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Webcast The future of fibre-based packaging in a circular economy

From plastic to paper, that seems to be an easy step to make packaging more sustainable. This shift has been clearly visible for several years. Companies with sustainable packaging goals score a lot of goodwill with consumers. And because of its high recycling rate (90 per cent in the Netherlands and 92 per cent in Belgium), paper and cardboard packaging seem to make a major contribution to the circular packaging chain. But we should not close our eyes to the limitations and boundaries of fibre-based packaging.

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The Dutch and Belgium systems for collecting and processing household packaging waste

The Netherlands and Belgium have their own systems for collecting and processing household packaging waste. At first sight, there seem to be major differences between the two countries. But if you take a closer look, you will discover many similarities.

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